I’m Sarah MacLachlann
I am Sarah MacLachlann, the founder of Pilates Performance Ireland. I opened my first classes in Ireland in 1990. Since then the business expanded to a large number of locations around Dublin. I have worked in the fitness and movement industry for over 35 years with a keen interest in injuries and pathologies. My business was built out of empathy for myself and others suffering from pain some 35 years ago.
I created an exercise class (similar idea to Pilates) as this was the time of the aerobic boom. I built up 42 weekly classes while also working full time in a legal firm, asset management (Law degree). When I discovered Pilates, this was my “AHA” moment. In 2002 I resigned from law and dedicated my career to Pilates.
No one knew what Pilates was in Ireland at this time. My goal was to inform customers and to provide them with real solutions and to bridge the gap between Physio’s, GP’s and surgeons and the exercise industry, today referrals in Ireland are now common place, so too are Pilates Studios.
Due to the growing demand Ireland now required more qualified Pilates teachers and so I became a Pilates educator some 20 years ago. In 2008 I became a Master Trainer with Balanced Body (I have certified Physiotherapists, the Defence Forces, Cirque du Soleil, Fitness Teachers, among others) and have presented at Pilates conferences, TV and radio interviews.
At Pilates Performance Studio we run approx. 110 classes a week, provide in house education courses, Workshops and Clinical Pilates. (Sarah regularly works with scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, fibromyalgia, pre/post-surgery, sport injuries/ enhanced performance, respiratory problems, among many others). Since covid-19 we provided all services and education online and in Studio.